According to the Sacraments of Initiation Policies for the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh, the following needs to be noted:
The Sacraments of Initiation offer opportunities for all persons to become full and active members within a parish Faith community. As a result, parishes have the primary responsibility for the initiation of their members.
The celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation ordinarily take place in the Parish Community of membership for the candidate, regardless of where the catechetical preparation occurs.
First Eucharist and Confirmation fall under St. Catherine Labouré's Faith Formation Office for preparation and organization of the participants. All St. Catherine Labouré parishioners who have a child preparing for the reception of either of these initiation sacraments must use the blue button links below to REGISTER your child. Any St. Louise School student who is NOT a St. Catherine Labouré parishioner is still welcome to participate in the sacrament at St. Catherine Labouré with Pastor Permission (letter) from their own parish. In order for the SCL Faith Formation Office to include a participant for either First Eucharist or Confirmation, we MUST receive registration for the sacrament buy completing the digital form below. A paper form may be printed, completed and returned to SCL Parish Office in LeGras Hall at our St. Louise site. Failure to REGISTER YOUR CHILD for a sacrament will result in the Faith Formation NOT having the information to include your child in the group. Any questions can be directed to the Faith Formation staff via email or phone 412-835-1155.
Formal preparation begins in second grade; however, students are expected to have the foundation of the first grade curriculum. First Reconciliation will take place in the spring before First Eucharist. The First Communions will be celebrated on Sundays in the weeks following Easter.
Parent(s)/Guardians of candidates for 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist will receive information regarding a Retreat (Day of Reflection) and Parent/Guardian Meeting in January to prepare for both sacraments. All families should participate in these events.
FYI… LOW GLUTEN family members:
To ensure your participation, please be aware that you may request to receive a low gluten (it’s very low) host during Eucharist.
The procedure at St. Catherine Labouré is:
1. please inform the sacristan before the Mass that low gluten is needed. St. Louise sacristy is at the end of the short hall opposite the table at the main entrance of the Church. At St. Joan ask a greeter or usher to let the sacristan know you'll need low gluten host.
2. always go to the priests “line” to receive the Sacrament.
3. please quietly say “low-gluten” to the priest so he is aware.
Confirmation Registration Form
2024-25 Confirmation Packet Pages
2024-25 Confirmation Cover Info Pages
Formal preparation for Confirmation begins in seventh grade, but students are expected to have the foundation of the curriculum for grades one through seven, with Confirmation concentration beginning in the sixth grade. The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place in the Fall of 9th grade at St. Catherine Labouré, according to the Bishop’s schedule.
Parent(s)/Guardians of Confirmation Candidates in the Seventh Grade will receive information regarding a meeting in October, which at least one parent and their candidate are expected to attend.
Parent(s)/Guardians of Confirmation Candidates in the Eighth Grade will receive information regarding a meeting in February, which at least one parent and their candidate are expected to attend.
Highlights of the Confirmation Preparation for the Ninth Grade students include:
a Confirmation Holy Hour/Retreat and continual participation at weekend Liturgies,
ongoing Parish/Community/World Service,
Prayer of discernment for means of sharing gifts in everyday life,
Confirmation Service Hours Form
The opportunity to explore the sacraments and full membership in the Catholic Faith is offered as a process of formation for children who are of “catechetical age.”Any student who has not participated in Baptism, Confirmation or First Eucharist, may participate in preparation for these sacraments if he/she wishes to do so. Of course, this is all completed in conjunction with the family Faith support in the home.
“Children who have reached catechetical age are to be prepared for full sacramental initiation in the same manner as adults:
Participation in a period of Evangelization
Admission to the Order of Catechumens
Participation in the Catechumenate for at least a year
Celebration of the Lenten Period of purification
Celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist
Participation in Mystagogical Catechesis and full inclusion in the typical Religious Formation of Catholic aged peers.
Catechetical Formation should be thoroughly comprehensive in its presentation of The Truths of Catholic doctrine and moral life. It should retain the breadth and spirit described by the Rite and be of the type that:
Enlightens Faith
Directs the heart toward God
Fosters participation in the Holy Mass
Inspires apostolic activity, and
Nurtures a life in accord with the Spirit of Christ.”
(The Sacraments of Initiation – Policies for Diocese of Pittsburgh, pgs. 12-13)